Quick Cheers to Postcards From TLC

This post won’t be about anything travel related. It’s more of a quick cheers to progress and a thank you to all who have contributed.

Postcards From TLC has just hit some major milestones! Every year, I set new goals for my blog and then I check in on my progress a couple of times each month. So far, for 2018 I’ve already hit most (not all) of my goals, but it’s only August. It looks like I may have to raise the bar a bit higher and re-set some goals soon!

It may not seem like much to you, but I just gained my 1000th follower on FaceBook. If you are a blogger, you can relate to the blood, sweat, and tears that goes into promoting. But, if you are not a blogger, trust me, a lot of time and energy went in to getting those followers. Promoting a blog is quite important and social media is a top way of doing it. The number of followers you gain helps determine what advertising opportunities you may have and how successful you may be at monetizing your blog. While monetizing my blog has never been a top priority, it is nice to earn a little return on my efforts.

When I first started Postcards From TLC over a year ago (read my first post here), I had no idea what I was getting into. I thought it just might be a fun hobby to allow myself to share some of my writing. If you would have told me then that I would soon be sharing my posts with a thousand people I would have thought you were nuts. (In actuality, tallying numbers from all social media outlets we’re at the 3,000 mark.) This seems so unreal, but is a very rewarding feeling.

I remember how difficult it was to gain my first real follower who wasn’t my husband or one of my relatives–thank you so much Melanie Irish! You really gave me hope when you clicked that follow button. I also remember gaining number 1000 on FaceBook–thanks to Michelle DeHaven! I can track each person on each social media platform to see when you clicked on follow. All I can say is thank you to each and everyone of you for helping to turn my fun hobby into something more insightful than that! I’m so grateful to have the followers I have and I will strive to gain more. In retrospect, I will also reciprocate to other blogs as much as possible. I will follow, click your ads, buy your products, and in general attempt to support as many of you as possible. Feel free to share my posts where ever you access them, and maybe you’ll help me gain a few more too!

♥ Tracey L Clark

Greetings from Home

Hi! This is me. I’m your stereotypical, married, American, cube-working, bonus mom to three children and two kittens (more about them later). I also have a penchant for traveling, exploring, meeting new people, and living life to the fullest. I’m the friend you wish you had, who will hop on a plane, travel a few hundred miles with you just to sample that curried goat dish you’ve been craving since your vacation to Jamaica 3 years ago. I’m the friend who is not afraid to try something new just because it’s out of the “box”. You know, the “box” of routine–but we have to go to the same vacation spot every year, because that’s where we go every year–let’s try someplace new. Life is an adventure, it’s too short to waste hanging out in the “box”. For me to decide on a locale to experience is somewhat like playing “pin the tail on the map”. Blindfold me, spin me around 3 times and aim me towards a map of the world and my next trip may just be wherever I pinned.

That being said, once I decide on where to go, the ceremony of planning begins. I love to research the place I’m going, so I can maximize my time there. I don’t believe in doing any routine thing I can do at home.

So, I will be sending Postcards From TLC (Tracey Lynn Clark–that’s me) and hope to impart some of my knowledge and experiences to you. I hope you enjoy traveling vicariously through my postcards.